Sunday, November 23, 2014

Topic for Online Talk Show!! < Job and Career >

My coworker
'An seo hyun'(

Welcome ladies and gentlemen !!!!
여러분 안녕


The reason why we choose this topic is in our class most of students are juniors and seniors who are ready for getting a job and having many stress about it. As a our reality, We'd like to have a talk with my lovely classmates and the other. So we could criticize our reality of society and share our think and opinion.

우리가 이 주제를 선택하게된 이유는 우리 반에 대부분 학생들이 취준생으로서 취직에 대해 많은 스트레스를 받고 있습니다. 그래서 우리와 가장 밀접한 현실인 취직에 대해 이야기를 하고 싶었습니다. 이를 통해 우리나라의 현실을 비판하기도 하며 우리가 가야하는 방향에 각자의 생각을 나눴으면 합니다.

So the opening question is 'Definition of a job.'

" What does a 'job' mean to you? "
            당신에게 직업이란 무엇인가요?

"Do you believe that all occupations are equally honorable?"

Ex) 경비원 분신자살

Question 2.
Problem of getting a job for Korean young people.

"What do you think about youth unemployment in Korea?"

청년실업 그림 / 그래프 / 통계치 자료 첨부

(small question)
"What does students should prepare qualifications to get a job?"

It was derived from 'specific' in English but it changed in Korea as a qualification to have a job.

우리나라 스펙 7대 스펙

Many students spend a lot of money to make their 'spec'. For example, Average of the money they spend is about $3000 (\330,000). Even It becomes a debt for students  before getting a job. Also, student loan is problem as a debt.

- Do you also have a debt like student loan?

(빚에 허덕이는 학생 그림)

+There are new neologisms coined by unemployment problems in Korea

1) 'NEET' It means 'Not in education, employment or training.' They are differ from Freeter which indicates part-time workers and who wants be a regular worker.

2) 'Jobnomard' They usually change their job following tendency. But recently It calls people who develops new job by doing their own.

3)취집(Chwi Jip) It is compounded word in Korean. It is from the Korean words '취업' (employment) and '시집' (a feminine word of marriage). So women who get married rather than get a job.

and so on......

+열정페이 (Passion pay)
It is also a new word reflects current unemployment.


In the video, 3 men are taking about the new word "열정 페이(Yeoljeong pay)". This word criticizes Korean employment. When young people work for their career like doing internship , some employers give them a little money. Because they think that employees work with passion and they learn work as a free of charge ,so that they don't have to pay them a wage. It seems that this is 'exploitation'.

Question 3.
2nd job for senior in aging society

Recently, senior people retired their job are increasing in our society and we are going to be old in the future. So, we should think about it

What would you like to do after retiring ? Do you have a second plan of your life? What is it? Tell me about it!